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2021 investment summary ∕ 2022-01-07 ∕ FoldingStuff.TECH
How to create a copy-trading portfolio ∕ 2021-09-24 ∕ FoldingStuff.TECH
106% total profit in 2020 at eToro ∕ 2020-12-08 ∕ FoldingStuff.TECH
Simple maven deploy with credentials as arguments ∕ 2020-07-31 ∕ FoldingStuff.TECH
Secure random password generator for .NET Core ∕ 2020-07-29 ∕ FoldingStuff.TECH
Buy Global Payments Inc. ∕ 2020-04-11 ∕ FoldingStuff.TECH

@kaja47, 0xDEADBEEF funkcionálně.cz,